We will be restoring the foundation for many generations to rebuild the ruins and restore the roads for the population.
C.O. “Family Club “Two in One” – Our mission
The war in Ukraine is ongoing and spares no one. Thousands of people have lost their loved ones, homes, jobs and the meaning of life. Watching the situation in our country, we cannot stand aside.
That is why our mission is to restore the foundation of many generations and rebuild the ruins and paths for the people of Ukraine. And we want to help our compatriots overcome the difficulties caused by the war as soon as possible.
Our main objectives:
Providing Ukrainians who have suffered at the hands of the occupiers with everything they need: housing, food, hygiene products, household chemicals and clothing.
Combating the consequences of rocket attacks that have led to a lack of electricity, water and heat. To help alleviate this situation, we plan to supply mattresses, bedding, blankets, candles, batteries, firewood, etc.
With our extensive experience on the psychological front, we can help people cope with emotional problems and spiritual experiences. By conducting seminars and consultations, we will raise such issues as life under occupation, feelings of loneliness and abandonment, divorce during the war, preservation of family values, feelings of guilt, etc.
Establishing logistics for obtaining necessary food for people with disabilities.
The public organization “Family Club “Two in One” is confident that our people are invincible and can overcome all difficulties, and we intend to help them.
Everything will be Ukraine!

Our representatives

Our volunteers

Doing good and helping other people are life principles that lead to happiness. “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” says the Bible. Similarly, a huge number of scientific studies confirm that we become much happier when we care and take care of someone else, not ourselves. By helping, you become more mature. Charitable activities contribute to the development of a person as a healthy person.
By doing charity, you can feel needed and important to society. Also, helping others can be equated with a panacea for psychological trauma, because you will definitely feel better knowing that you have contributed to improving the life of another person who is in difficult life circumstances.
One of the best qualities of a businessman is generosity and selflessness. A significant number of investors and businessmen are involved in charity, which gives them excellent feedback, improves their personal reputation and increases their income.
If you decide to make a donation or invest a percentage of your earnings in charity, our public organization is a great option. We already know people who need urgent help and understand how to provide it.
You can be sure of our reliability and honesty, because our organization is constantly checked by regulatory authorities.
You don’t have to be a wealthy person to help others. Every hryvnia is important. The largest amounts are usually raised thanks to donations from tens of thousands of people who donated at least 10-100 hryvnias.
Help us improve the lives of people in need right now. We are a little-known organization, but we have a lot of experience in helping others because we have dedicated our lives to charity. We are systematic and efficient.
We guarantee that your money will make not only those in need happy, but also you, because the emotions of charity are among the most pleasant. Many people need help nowadays, so choose us and be sure that we will be able to provide quality assistance to all those who need it most!
Every penny goes to help